Photo Gallery

The Rideau Nautical Modellers gallery is currently hosted on Flickr, with photos contributed by club members to the Rideau Nautical Modellers Group Pool.

Some suggested photo tags are linked to below. By default, a random selection of photos is shown. Photos can also be selected by year, and several of our more popular meeting locations.

_JAI7148amoda _JAI7190amoda _JAI6277moda _JAI9347 _JAI1887 _JAI5382amoda _JAI9213 _JAI5599amoda _JAI0748 Sea Princess Brown's Inlet Oct 17 _JAI2049 _JAI9161 _JAI8960 _JAI1135 _JAI8663amod _JAI7076amoda

Content copyright ©2002-2024 Rideau Nautical Modellers